Grossular Garnet

Grossular garnet is a green coloured variety of the mineral group of garnets. We source ours locally from Mt. Garnet in North Queensland.

What colour is Grossular Garnet?

Grossular garnet is a green coloured variety of the mineral group of garnets. The colours range from dark to light olive-green and the hardness on the Moh’s scale is 6.5 to 7.

Sometimes Grossular Garnet can be an orange/cinnamon colour which is known as “Hessonite”.

Where do we source Grossular Garnet?

We source ours locally from Mt. Garnet in North Queensland.

What gem shape is most common for a Grossular Garnet?

Grossular Garnets are rarely faceted (a stone with many faces), but more commonly the translucent stones are polished into beautiful cabochons (smooth stones).

The natural formation of Grossular Garnets is clusters of smaller formed crystals which have a gorgeous golden sheen on the surface – we love using this in our jewellery.

What are the healing properties of Grossular Garnet?

Green grossular garnet is said to be a stone of abundance and prosperity. It gives inner strength and vitality, bringing healing and regeneration to body and spirit.

It is very helpful in recovering from illness or trauma. It is a great stone to have around when dealing with challenges in life or legal matters. Grossular garnet can inspire motivation and confidence to work hard and turn our dreams into reality. They can help to bring us wealth and success in all aspects.

They are also calming and grounding, helping us to manifest our dreams and visions into practical reality. They help us to connect to nature and release our inhibitions. They help us to see what is real and feel gratitude for what we have, and to use our strengths in positive ways. They also help us to not get carried away with emotional extremes.

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